Thursday, September 22, 2016

Homework #3

I enjoyed reading about Dave's passion for illustration. I could tell he was inspired by many artists and pop culture and it shows in his work. He still found a way to make his illustrations in his own style. I liked that his illustrations had reoccurring shapes and bright colors. By using these techniques he was able to catch my attention and make an interesting and clear presentation of what his illustration was advertising.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Homework #2

Neils Diffrient: Rethinking the way we sit down

Neils begins by discussing how he grew to love airplanes from a young age. He learned everything he could about airplanes and began drawing and building models. I found it interesting that he said, "in order for a plane to fly you had to learn the discipline of flying". This is interesting because he initially thought he could just draw what he saw in order to understand how a plane works. He didn't realize that there's so much more to learn. He mentions that he had to stop drawing "fantasy shapes" and turn them into technical drawings. He then carried this thought process through school and his designs. He used his knowledge of airplanes to design a chair that would balance your weight as you reclined and would accommodate many people. I thought this was an interesting approach to a creating a design because Neils used drew inspiration from his knowledge of airplanes to create a chair that functions well.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Homework #1

How to Ruin a Great Design

With a city as busy as London, signs should be simple to read. The article talks about a few examples of poor design on street signs throughout London. The Diverted cyclists sign is very distracting to me because I immediately noticed that the D is much larger compared to the other letters. It looks poorly designed and as the article mentions, it can be distracting. This can be dangerous because it could cause accidents. It also looks unprofessional if one sign is designed slightly different than another sign if they are supposed to be the same. UPS changed their logo to a simple logo designed by Paul Rand and according to the article it was too bland. While logos should be simple enough to get the point across, they can't be too overwhelming for the viewer. London should reevaluate their road signs and change them to a simple, uniform design that is easy to understand to solve their traffic problems. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

First Day Questions

What is your computer experience?
I use a Mac laptop daily

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have used both in the past but I always needed help.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?

Yes. I only have Illustrator.

What is your major ?

What do you hope to get out of this class?
To learn more about graphic design

Who is your favorite artist?
Klimt, Degas, and Monet

Who is your favorite musician? 
Ed Sheeran, Adele, Beyonce

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I like traveling
Write a five line story?

I studied abroad in Perugia, Italy for a semester in 2014. I had never taken an Italian class before so it was exciting to learn some of a new language. I made a lot of friends that I'm still close with today. Overall it was a great experience.